HELP!! URGENT!! Fish Mayday!!

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I'm betting it has to do with the water main breaks. Do they add extra chemicals or something to the water when that happens? Water changes don't do much if you don't use clean water.
So sorry for all your troubles and losses. Wish i could wave a magic wand for ya.
Try to get some rest. Just the mental stress alone can affect your health not to mention not sleeping and if your health suffers it won't be good for the fishes' either. Mistakes are most often made under stress and exhaustion.
I don't know any New Yorkers that give up so i know you can make it through this and continue on. When we experience the bad we can truly appreciate how good the good is. Thank You for this thread so i can appreciate my tanks more. Sorry again you had to do the bad.
IMO definitely try the stronger meds if you can. :) I know it's hard but don't give up!! Think how much joy the tank and all your guys bring you! I know you HATE catching fish but maybe try and get the sick ones out to stop them reinfecting the others? I have found the easiest way to catch fish is to stick both hands in and catch them. No nets, containers or traps to get caught on things.
How long have you been treating? I just read that the bacteria will remain present longer in water that is harder. I know your down but try and shake it off. Your remaining fish need you to stay strong. I think meds are your key here. You have to figure a way to get some water from a different source then your tap until things get stable. Does the water at the station come from the same source as your home?
I'm gonna DO THIS!!! I got 1 so that's showing. I have him in QT!! :)

I'M NOT GONNA GIVE UP!! I WILL get through this!!

I'm gonna dose with salt now and rest up so my crew can rest up too!! Tomorrow is another day!!

Also I'm treating with Maracyn Plus on days 1,3 and 5 per Instructions. Also I'm in contact with a vet who breeds Africans, he said double dose the plus on day 1 an drop the temp to 70 am continue with the salt. He also said I can up the salt just an extra teaspoon or two everyother day for 10 days. Check water 2x a week unless I see something that warrants a test. Also he said to call the water company and ask questions ask questions and ask more questions!!

This isn't over and neither is my TANK!!!!
Convict2161 said:
I'm gonna DO THIS!!! I got 1 so that's showing. I have him in QT!! :)

I'M NOT GONNA GIVE UP!! I WILL get through this!!

I'm gonna dose with salt now and rest up so my crew can rest up too!! Tomorrow is another day!!

Also I'm treating with Maracyn Plus on days 1,3 and 5 per Instructions. Also I'm in contact with a vet who breeds Africans, he said double dose the plus on day 1 an drop the temp to 70 am continue with the salt. He also said I can up the salt just an extra teaspoon or two everyother day for 10 days. Check water 2x a week unless I see something that warrants a test. Also he said to call the water company and ask questions ask questions and ask more questions!!

This isn't over and neither is my TANK!!!!

Great plan!!! Keep on fighting!!

I'm sure this is good news. Well I noticed my tank boss's eyes are clearing up. Less cloudy I can see his eyes a little more today!! :)

I decided to clean the canister, of course just swishing the sponges in old tank water. And I added new carbon to my AC 110. Dosed with salt again and still have the temp low.

I have 3 total that are "showing" BUT 1 appears to be getting better and is eating now!!

Hopefully where nearing the end of this horrible episode.

Water conditions are on the money, my pH did drop from 8.2 to 8.0. I added some Malawi buffer and added fresh crushed coral to the bio bag.
Thanks everyone. Dosed this morning with salt, everything looking better.... We'll see when I inspect the tank when the lights come on.
Just want to ask if running carbon is smart? Im asking because I dont know. Have the meds run thier course? Im thinking like when you take antibiotics for an infection and you have to finish them all even if you feel better.
Jmedic25 said:
Just want to ask if running carbon is smart? Im asking because I dont know. Have the meds run thier course? Im thinking like when you take antibiotics for an infection and you have to finish them all even if you feel better.

Per the company that makes the Maracyn, some members and the Vet I'm dealing with. No carbon because it will absorb the medications. After 1 week is what I'm being told by the Vet I can add a new carbon pack and clean all filters and do a PWC. Yes I'm finished with all meds now it's a wait and see approach. If it still shows or appears again then I must do what I was trying to avoid and that would be a TOTAL breakdown substrate and all. And try and treat again but the Vet said at that point they probably would all be too far gone. He said if I lose another one to bring to him right away(5 minutes from my house literally) they will culture it and find out exactly what it is.
Ok here's an interesting question. Since my tank force has been depleted either by re homing or death in noticing some aggression issues with my yellow labs and I guess there orange zebras? Ones yellow with black fins and the orange ones are well just all orange. A dark orange.


There are 17 left in my tank.

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Also tank boss's eyes are completely cleared up!! :) I can see the eyeballs!

The other one that was showing still has a film like look to one eye. But one appears to be getting worse.
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I've been dealing with the same thing. A lot of smaller guys have started GROWING QUICK. The pecking order is being re-established.
Malawi Freak said:
I've been dealing with the same thing. A lot of smaller guys have started GROWING QUICK. The pecking order is being re-established.

Haha! Great! So now there getting better and there getting a pair now? lol figures now they wanna fight.
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