help with emerald crabs please

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 17, 2003
I have a 55gallon tank that we have been running for approximately two months. I had a problem with the damsels that i was using to condition the tank and they all started getting sick and dying. I had one left and when it started to get sick (red around the mouth and fins and breathing really fast and bloating) we treated the tank with fungus remover. The next day one of my emerald crabs (we have two) started losing its legs. They are just falling off. It is down to one now but is still alive eating and 'moving' around the tank. I dont know what is going on or if its bad or what. Does anyone have any advice. My other emerald and my two hermits crabs are absolutely fine as far as i can tell.

Although I don't really know why your emeralds legs are falling off, the problem you described with the damsels doesn't sound fungal in origin. My guess is that it's a bacterial infection of some sort.
What are your water parameters? Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, salinity, alkalinity, pH? The sick fish and the problem with the crab, since this is a new tank, may be related to the water quality. Are you using RO/DI water in the tank or tap water?
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newline3 said:
I had one left and when it started to get sick (red around the mouth and fins and breathing really fast and bloating) we treated the tank with fungus remover.
I agree with loganj about the bacterial infection but I was curious what the exact product used was :?:


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