Help with ich

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 26, 2019
This is my first post.
I bought my 8yr old a fish tank in October a small 5.5gallon and bought 3 platy for it. The one gave birth and soon after they all got ich. Had to do research as I didnt know what to do. I removed all fish and treated tank. Everything died. I then cleaned the tank and filled it up again a few days later and left it without fish for 2 weeks. Got new fish this time 3 mollies which again died this time the last one died 2 days ago. This time my tank got brown algea. I washed and scrubbed the tank again and bought 1 ghost shrimp and 1 molly to go with my last molly that was still living. Well my last molly looks like it now has ich and is slowly dying. Why does this keep happening. I have treated the tank and everything and it keeps coming back. I have not treated the tank this time because it's too late for the fish. I read ghost shrimp would contact it is that true? I am slowly giving up on the whole fish thing.
You are buying fish that need a bigger tank than 5.5g. Your tank is more suited for a single betta or shrimp (not both together).

I don't know what your method is for treating ich. Generally, if you catch it early, you slowly raise the water temp to 86 degrees and add aquarium salt. The aquarium salt dosing is 1 TEAspoon per 5 gallons of water. After a few days start adding 2 TEAspoons per 5 gallons of water. In a tank that size you should change out 50% of the water daily which should include a gravel vacuum.

I take it you aren't cycling your tank before adding fish and this is more than likely the reason you keep getting diseased fish. If you are going to add fish to an uncycled tank you first have to get fish that are appropriate for your tank size. Second, you have to do partial water changes daily or every other day. Testing your water daily with a test kit like API Freshwater Master test kit is highly advisable.
I have been adding salt and I ich medication and followed everything u said after the first time. But I will be honest and say I did just add the molly last week without doing anything.
I was just telling my son that I think we will stick with a betta in the tank. It breaks my heart cause he gets so upset. But my other son has 3 zebra danio in his 5.5 tank and they are thriving.

You think that 1 betta and 1 ghost shrimp cant live together? Also what is your thoughts on good plants for a betta set up?
Also thank you for your input
If you use meds I'd use Kordon Rid Ich.

I've never been able to keep shrimp with bettas without them being hunted and eaten.

Arguably, zebra danios are a type that could probably be kept in a 5g.

Bettas have more personality for your son to see than a platy or a molly.

You want a taller plant with broader leaves. And low light plants. Your local pet store should be stocked with several different types of low light plants.
Btw, my temperature suggestion may not be accurate, so pls go online for a more accurate one
I would do a betta and small neons. I had them in a 2.5 gallon and it worked well.
I just lost 3 rainbow fish to ich. Removed my Redline Denison Barb and Angel Fish to another tank, 10 gallon, but it had fish in it. These two were stressed. Left 5 white skirted tetras, 1 Pleco and 5 loaches in this 30 gallon tank. Treated the 30 gallon for ick, took 25% of the water out by cleaning. (filter was out but left bubbler on) retreated and cleaned out a second time. Balanced the water except for the nitrates were high, I figure due to no filter to clean out waste. Put redline and angel back in. Everyone seems find. Decided to get rid of plastic plants and put some real ones in. (3) Tonight, went to feed them and the redline has cotton like growths on his nose. And I see 3-4 white spots on one side of his body. Can't tell if they are salt like looking. As for my angel fish, she is iridescent to begin with, so it is hard to say if it salt like spots. I treated the tank with Super Ick Cure, only 2 teaspoons, worried that I will over medicate. They read about fungus being cotton like. Treated the tank with Pimafix for fungal infections. Sat there staring at all the fish. The tetras seemed to be find but i am worried that they might have ich. I am over examining and worried about the Angel and Barb. Also, notice white particles floating around. Dust? Blooming something? From putting plants in and moving stones around?
I am so confused on what to do and worried I will put too much chemicals in tank. Angel fish just got over being stressed out for 10 days and is back to her usual self.
Need some guidance. Feel like I am playing Russian Rootlet.

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