Help With Parameters and Which Shrimp to Get

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 5, 2013
Hi all!

I can't decide between blue pearl shrimp and snowball shrimp and two substrates.

I have read that BPS prefer alkaline hard water and are less tolerant than RCS or snowballs. Of course I prefer the BPS based on looks alone.:rolleyes: Possible problem is that my tap water's pH is 8.4 straight out of the tap, and the ammonia is .50ppm. Our water is otherwise soft (lathers easily) so I'm thinking the ammonia level is responsible for the pH reading which I suspect may change after Prime, aging, and preheating.

So which shrimp should I buy? My preferred BPS or second pretty choice the snowballs?

So, do I use the New Amazonia Aqua Soil (not very expensive for my 10g tank) or the Eco-Complete? Both are too expensive to return by mail, and I'll keep the other for a betta tank.

I could just buy DI water and reminrealize if that would be a better choice. PWCs for a 10g wouldn't be that expensive.

(Mods please remove two similar but not as comprehensive questions in getting started. Thanks.)
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This is tough one .... I'd say Snowball Shrimp with Eco-Complete. Hang in there, you'll get other recommendations from members.
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