I purchased a api water master water test kit and I need help with the results that I am getting. I have a 46 gallon bowfront that I used the seeding method with and added five fish- 4 platties and a catfish, I had been using test strips to test the water and this is what I was getting with that nitrates 20, 0 nitrites and amonia 3.0 , So now with the master kit this is what the readings are Nitrates 20 , nitrates 0 but amonia (is it is hard to tell) but it looks to be between 4.0 and 8.0. I have to tell you that when I went to the fish store I also bought 6 glowlight tetras and 4 mollies. I am scared that the amonia is to high and I do not know how to interpret the nitrates and nitrite numbers. Please help.