Help?? Zig Zag Eel suggestions??

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 4, 2013
HI! I have a Zig Zag Eel that we've had in our 75 gallon tank for well over a year - nothing has been added to the tank in the last 6 months - things have been going perfect in the tank - great readings, regular maintenance, etc - .....except for now! My Zig Zag has been laying down at the bottom of the tank the last 2 days. He's always been a fairly inactive bottom dweller, but he's experiencing labored breathing and his mid section floats up?? We have him isolated in a seperate tank, but would love suggestions on what to do for him! He's part of our family and I hate seeing him suffer...but have no idea what could be wrong with him, or how to treat it. Btw, his tankmates are 2 rope eels, 2 raphael catfish, a Clown knife and a very small bala shark (a transplant from another tank where he was being picked on). Thanks!!
Thanks :)

Thanks for your reply - very sadly, Creampuff the eel passed away last night :( we did water changes, moved him to his own hospital tank, tried Epsom salt and also malafix (sp?) - it was a real mystery! He didn't have any signs of injuries or bacteria or fungal infections, just a swollen mid section and rapid breathing. The kids were pretty upset about it too - maybe in a long while we'll try again....maybe not, hate to think we'd do this to another eel when we have no idea what it was or how to prevent it. - thanks again!
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