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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 29, 2011
Why are my cichlids doing this. My tank is starting to get cloudy!! What do I do?!?!?! Help!!!!


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Lane1223 said:
Why are my cichlids doing this. My tank is starting to get cloudy!! What do I do?!?!?! Help!!!!

What are your ammonia, nitrIte and nitrAte levels? How long has the tank been set up? It could be ammo or no2 poisoning if the tank is cycling, or it could be low oxygen levels in the water.

First things first, do some big water changes with some fresh dechlorinated water and see if that helps.
It's a five gallon and I dont have a test kit!! It's been up for about a month. Pwc comin up!!
Are you familiar with cycling a tank? Have you been doing water changes often? This guide will give you all the info you need. Try and get yourself a quality test kit like an API Master kit and a quality dechlorinator like Seachem Prime and make sure you keep ammonia and nitrIte levels below .25 at all times until the tank cycles by doing big water changes as often as necessary.

Here's the links :) -
Well thanks guys but I couldn't save them.... Idk what happened.... They were perfect this morning.... And now all my cichlids are gone. My sucker fish is still going but he's iffy..... What did I do wrong.... I left for an hour after a huge 50% water change...came back and the tank was no longer transparent and they were all dead.....
If your tank was not cycled, the reason your fish died was from an overstocked tank and ammonia/nitrite/nitrate poisoning. Read how to cycle a tank, and next time get a betta or nano fish. Those cichlids looked like africans, and those are WAY too big for a five gallon, and what type of sucker fish was it, a pleco? Either way, that's too much bioload and your tank wasn't cycled, meaning there was no bacteria to take in the ammonia and nitrites and nitrates. You should look at some of the links some of the members posted so you could prevent this from happening in the future.
Maybe it was from overstocking an not cycling. Cichlids need territories and they will not get along in a 5 gal. Mininum for a few cichlids would ahve to be a 40gal. With a lot of rocks and things for them to set up territories.
Jason7894561230 said:
Maybe it was from overstocking an not cycling. Cichlids need territories and they will not get along in a 5 gal. Mininum for a few cichlids would ahve to be a 40gal. With a lot of rocks and things for them to set up territories.

A pair of Shell Dwellers can be kept in a 5 gallon
I'm sorry to hear about your fish, but hopefully you can learn from the experience. Make sure you research the fish you buy and what their requirements are in the future. I don't know what your sucker fish is, but if it's a Pleco we have a serious issue there. The people at the pet store should have never sold you those fish for your tank IMHO.

Along with cycling a tank, fish compatibility and requirements are vital to know if they are in your care. Feel free to ask members here what is appropriate. IMO, I feel a single Betta is suitable for a 5 gallon...inverts are another choice too.
I'm sorry to hear about your fish, but hopefully you can learn from the experience. Make sure you research the fish you buy and what their requirements are in the future. I don't know what your sucker fish is, but if it's a Pleco we have a serious issue there. The people at the pet store should have never sold you those fish for your tank IMHO.

Along with cycling a tank, fish compatibility and requirements are vital to know if they are in your care. Feel free to ask members here what is appropriate. IMO, I feel a single Betta is suitable for a 5 gallon...inverts are another choice too.

+1 with what eco23 said.

Sorry about your fish:(.
Thanks guys. It's my fault that I didn't cycle and research.... :'(
Lane1223 said:
Thanks guys. It's my fault that I didn't cycle and research.... :'(

Just learn from this experience and it will help all the fish you keep in the future. Consider their sacrifice as a gift that helped you learn to do things the right way.

The fact you care enough to come to this site and ask for help shows that you have the dedication to be a wonderful fish-keeper in the future :)

Make sure you handle the issue of your other fish in the tank. Try to return him to the store ASAP.
eco23 said:
Just learn from this experience and it will help all the fish you keep in the future. Consider their sacrifice as a gift that helped you learn to do things the right way.

The fact you care enough to come to this site and ask for help shows that you have the dedication to be a wonderful fish-keeper in the future :)

Make sure you handle the issue of your other fish in the tank. Try to return him to the store ASAP.

Thank you so much. I will do everything I can for my pleco... Maybe give it to my neighbor. Idk.....
The best thing to do now is return the remaining fish and do a quick fishless cycle. Don't throw the filters in your tank away because hopefully they'll have some beneficial bacteria on them to help the tank cycle when you restart it.

Check out the link in my signature. It'll give you all the info you needed.

I didn't read the threads, but I saw in your profile you also have other tanks? You may need to do some research for those as well to make sure you are providing humane conditions for your fish.

Continue to do water changes all the time (multiple 50% pwc's daily if needed) to keep ammonia and nitrIte under .25 at all times until you can re-home your remaining fish.

I'll be happy to help you fishless cycle your tank if you'd like. Then you can give a safe home to a Betta or other fish that are suitable for your tank :)
eco23 said:
The best thing to do now is return the remaining fish and do a quick fishless cycle. Don't throw the filters in your tank away because hopefully they'll have some beneficial bacteria on them to help the tank cycle when you restart it.

Check out the link in my signature. It'll give you all the info you needed.

I didn't read the threads, but I saw in your profile you also have other tanks? You may need to do some research for those as well to make sure you are providing humane conditions for your fish.

Continue to do water changes all the time (multiple 50% pwc's daily if needed) to keep ammonia and nitrIte under .25 at all times until you can re-home your remaining fish.

I'll be happy to help you fishless cycle your tank if you'd like. Then you can give a safe home to a Betta or other fish that are suitable for your tank :)

I do have a saltwater tank cycling now. I set up that fw a month ago and I just finished studying about how to cycle 2 weeks ago. I saw the fish were doing fine and thought I cycled with out me knowing. :/ I think I'm going to give away the pleco and turn that into a nano reef eventually. How would I give the pleco? I will give it to anyone as long as they pay for shipping.
You can post an ad in the classifieds section of this site, CL or see if you can return him to the store.
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