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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 20, 2004
Amman, Jordan

I want to start by saying thank you all for your help about a month ago with the white spot problem and telling me how to take care of it.

well I just left the tank running for about a month with no fish just inverts and i guess that took care of it. I put a clown fish 8 days ago in my tank and he is doing great.

so time for my new question, how long does it take for bacteria to grow more to support more fish, when can i add more fish, and how many can a add. so far I have a clown (8days ago) and 5 inverts that been there for more than 2 months.

in case you need to know the size of the tank, its around 300L
100cm X 40cm X 70cm

thanks again
I think the norm. is about two weeks between fish. But to really know you have to test your water. When you add a fish your ammonia will spike then in a couple days it will convert to nitrite then in a few more days it will convert to nitrate. So when you add a fish just wait a week then test your water for all of the above and go from there if every thing is fine then so are you 8)
Glad you had success!! :)
What you want to do now to avoid another outbreak, is to qt any new arrivals for a 4 week period before adding them. This way you can be sure not to add any new parasites to you system and it will also allow the biofilter to do any adjustments that are needed.
Don't treat the new arrivals for parasites, unless one becomes evident.
Don't want to go through that again do you? :roll: :wink:
What kind of fish do you have in mind?
I was thinking a tang to start with, from there I am not sure, cause in a way we are limited to the anything from the red sea cause its the only sea around here and there are no oceans.
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