Hi from Ireland

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 26, 2009
Co.Westmeath, Ireland.
Hi All,

Let me just start by saying I don't know much about fish, :). My sister brought my son shopping for a birthday present for his 4th birthday, a year and a half ago. They arrived home with a kids coldwater 17L tank, equipment and two Black Moor goldfish! Needless to say we were surprised because we expected another Spiderman toy, not live fish. So a year and a half on we have two huge Black Moors (Iggy & Ziggy), although the guy in the pet shop said they wouldn't grow big :mad: and have had to update the tank to a Juwel Rio 180L. We have grown to love them and they are part of the family along with Ben our 3 1/2 yr old Black Labrador. The reason I joined here was to get the best advice possible to keep our cuties happy. We moved them to the big tank 2 1/2 weeks ago and they're doing fine. A week ago I we bought an Algae eater (called him Star) and he seems ok, hides quite a bit but is still alive. Today I bought two Danios or Tetras, I'm really not sure as I find the assistants in the pet shops don't have much of a clue. I was told they were Tetras but the pics of Danios look more like them. So here I am! I have lots of questions so hopefully I can get some help.

Thanks all,
It looks like your out to a pretty good start. If you got a chinese algae eater, when he gets bigger he'll be useless for algae and starts to suck on bigger slower fish, sort of like a parasite.

Here's a pic

As the goldfish get bigger, the danios might become food, so watch out for that. If your not sure, pictures are always helpful.
Thanks for the reply. To be honest the guy in the shop said he was an algae eater and wouldn't get much bigger, I just go by what they say but maybe he's something else?? At the moment he's about 6cm long. Do you think he'll grow bigger? (Sorry I can't see your pic to confirm).

The goldfish are about 5 inches so they're quite large compared to when we got them, at the moment they're ignoring the two new little ones so I hope it lasts, I wouldn't like them to have them for dinner.

Thanks for the advice,
If he's a pleco, odds are hes a common, and he can get up to 12". Otos stay under about 2"

Look up pleco, chinese algae eater, and otocinclus and see which one is yours.
After looking at the pics I think he's a Pleco. He came out from his hiding place for a few minutes and I managed to get a (bad) pic of him. Will he grow big? I hope not!


  • pleco 002.jpg
    pleco 002.jpg
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Actually you have a hillstream loach. It should stay small. I think they're a coldwater fish and they like current.
Oh brilliant! Thanks for that. I'm so happy he won't grow big. Obviously I got more bad advice from the pet shop, they really don't know much in any of them here. Cheers!
Hey Barbs, I'm new too but I wanted to say hello - I'm an Irish-Spanish-American, and I'm pleased to make your acquaintance.
Hey Barbs, I'm new too but I wanted to say hello - I'm an Irish-Spanish-American, and I'm pleased to make your acquaintance.

Hi taylorodw,
Nice to make your acquaintance too, I'm sure you'll get lots of good advice here. I've posted a few questions already and really appreciate the replies, I'm learning more about my fish each day. Everyone seems so friendly so I can tell were in the right hands, lol! So you've Irish roots, ever visited here?
Best regards,
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