Hi from Paris, Texas!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 26, 2012
Paris, TX
Hello all, I'm an aquarium newbie from Paris, Texas, you can call me Katy! Looking to get more insight and advice about healthy aquariums and this seemed the place to go. I currently am only running a Fluval Edge 6 gallon planted, which was inhabited by neon tetras, but they started presenting with symptoms of neon tetra disease, so I decided for the sake of my tank to remove them. 3 tetras are still in because I haven't been able to catch them yet. Otherwise, the tank has a great many nerite snails, a couple of mystery snails, and a half dozen ghost shrimp.

I also have three bettas - a little white female named Scrambles in a lovely 2 gallon tank full of gaudy plastic plants, a large blue female named Bloo in a 1 gallon tank, and a special needs boy named PaBlo who is currently recovering from some sort of swim bladder disorder that he had when I got him. (I felt bad and couldn't leave him at the store in that state!)

Nice to meet you all!
Welcome to AA! You'll find a lot of experience and strait-forward advice here without any elitism.

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