Hi from Turkey!..

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 4, 2008
Hello aquarists! I'm from Turkey and newbie in this area... I have just bought a Challenger (Pangasius sanitswongi) and a Yellow Princess (in Turkey) (Labidochromis Caeruleus). They live in a small aquarium (Height: 22cm / Length: 30cm / Width: 15 cm) and I have doubts if Challenger can live in such an area or not? Because in our aquarium communities everybody says Challenger needs a huge aquarium as they a shark spiece and like to hunt.

I'm looking forward your advices... Thanks in advance, Bye!
The Challenger will quickly outgrow that tank. It can grow to 254cm. You should start making plans to transfer it to someone who can take care of it.

yeah contacted with fish seller, it seem i'll change with a smaller spieces...:-|
Definitely props for being responsible and welcome to the site!
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