Hi, new fish guy requesting a check on what I'm doing

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Nope not feeding the snail...

And ugh, all my dwarf sag is melting fast. I have dwarf babytears, aunbias, pennywart, java moss, flame moss, and rotala (new) which are all doing fine. I've got Flourish tabs in the substrate and I'm dosing the recommended amount of API liquid CO2 every day. The sag isn't shaded. The bulb I'm using says Coralife T8 50/50... In the stock Aqueon hood.

Any advice? :(
The bulb is a SW bulb, 50/50 means 50% Actinic blue light and 50% 10,000K but could be used for FW too I have used 2 on my set up on the 35G. Mine got corroded and haven't replaced it yet. But it was 2 65W bulbs for a 35G.

I will have to look at what yours said for W.

Just replace the bulb with a ~6700- 7600K Plant growing bulb, Aqueon has them and other companies too. They all vary in Kelvin aka K rating. Or you can add a Current Usa LED Lighting strip to it to up the spectrum for around $45 and it has a fun remote control, I still don't know how to use to the fullest (not my thing, lol).
The bulb is a SW bulb, 50/50 means 50% Actinic blue light and 50% 10,000K but could be used for FW too I have used 2 on my set up on the 35G. Mine got corroded and haven't replaced it yet. But it was 2 65W bulbs for a 35G.

I will have to look at what yours said for W.

Just replace the bulb with a ~6700- 7600K Plant growing bulb, Aqueon has them and other companies too. They all vary in Kelvin aka K rating. Or you can add a Current Usa LED Lighting strip to it to up the spectrum for around $45 and it has a fun remote control, I still don't know how to use to the fullest (not my thing, lol).

I'm not entirely sure what you just said but... are you saying the bulb isn't what I want? And that my Dwarf Sag may be melting because of it? The LFS guy recommended it :( Also I still have the stock bulb that came with the Aqueon hood but I assumed it wasn't as good.

I noticed that some lighting fixtures have two bulbs in them, should I get one of those?

Lastly, as I've been doing regular water changes since I recently cycled the tank (plus other smaller water changes to suck up missed food as I'm still getting a feel for how much to feed these guys), is it possible that I've been keeping the fertilizer level too low? Perhaps the water changes are removing more of the fertilizer tab nutrients than the tabs are putting in? Should I hit it with a shot of liquid Flourish Excel?

I think I'm going to scoop the tabs out and start dosing flourish, Iron, and potassium anyway...
The dwarf sag leaves are dying starting from the tip, spreading to the base of the plant. From what I'm reading online that sort of dying is from a nitrogen deficiency.....
Update on the fungus slime, it's started dying off in sections of the driftwood finally. Unfortunately it's leaving dead fungus crumbs all over my plants and substrate though so the next water change will require extra siphoning.

Also I've finished daily water changes from cycling and started dosing Flourish Excel... And the Dwarf sag dieback seems to have halted. I think all the water changes were sucking too many nutrients out of the water.... Not enough nitrogen I suspect. I'm considering dosing Seachem nitrogen.
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