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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 12, 2005
Hi, i am new here but i am not a newbie at all! I have been keeping aquariums for a long time. Ok but i do have one question, I have some serpae tetras that have had fungus for about 2 months now, Ive tried Melafix and some other fungus medicine, some fizzy tabs, but it is still there, Maybe it is not fungus, any ideas?
What size tank do you have? have you added anything new? How often do you do water changes? And what does it look like? Also any pictures would be great... I am not the best at diagnosing.. LOL, but i know there are some other people on here that will be able to help you if you give us some more info..
Oh and...
:smilecolros: :multi: :n00b:
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Oh, I have a 30 gallon with 10 serpae tetras and 2 angelfish, and a bristlenose pleco and that is all for now. I haven't added anything new, I have had the same stock for about 4 months now... I had just the angels and some mollies/platies in there before that but after a few of them died and they kept giving birth like crazy, i traded them in and decided to go for the tetras... and I haven't gotten anything new since then. Um... I do water changes probable about once every 2 weeks, whenever the water level starts going down.

I don't really have a digital camera, so pictures arent an option, but it kind of looks like fuzzy white stuff growing on sporadically all over the body, and actually only two are affected. One has a bit of fuzzy on his head, the other has it along the edges of his fins and stuff.

The stuff i used was these parasite clear fizzy tabs... and then when that didn't work i used Melafix, and it lookedlike it cleared up, but came right back, on the same fish. They are swimming and eating the same, but it just looks yucky.

And thanks for all the quick responses!!
It sounds like a fungus, you can use pimafix with melafix. That way you cover both fungus or bacterial infections. What do you keep your water temp at? Do you test your water parameters?
Welcome Nikki. As others have said this is a fungal infection. I would isolate the affected fish in a hospital tank and treat with any variety of anti fungals.
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