High SG reading

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 10, 2005
I just bought from a friend an established 46gallon SW aquarium with LS/LR, snails, hermit crabs, (1) RB shrimp, (1) emerald crab and a blue/green chromis about 2 weeks ago. Needless to say, I've been doing a lot of reading lately.
The aquarium came with a thermometer glass type SG but it's too hard to read while in the tank. So I just bought an Instant Ocean hydrometer and to my surprise my SG is at 1.026.
I know it's high but is it OK ? Should I drain some water and add in some new DI water gradually over 24 hours?

It is a little high for most people but that's what I keep mine around. If you think it's too high you could drain out a couple of gallons of water and replace it with unsalted water. Don't try to get it down in one water change. Do it over a couple of days.
Well, If you read my other post on this I added salt for 25 gallon tank to a 30 gall tank and it did too much.

It read about 1.0295

I drained it 1/3 way and put fresh in then it was at 1.0235 (Almost perfect) and I didnt have to add any mroe salt or water.

I think if you use these ratios you could tell how much water you would have to drain.
Drain out some SW and add with FW, but do it slowly over atleast 2 days (as electrikat said) Doing it all in one change will stress your fish out quite a lot, and may harm it.

Good luck.
Check and make sure there are no bubbles on the arm of your hydrometer. The bubbles can throw your reading off by alot and new hydrometers are known to be full of bubbles.
The hydrometer box actually has instructions about seasoning your hydrometer by soaking it in sw for so many hours.
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