Holidays and W/C

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 12, 2012
Hi guys. Just wondering if you have any tips or advice on water changes generally and whilst away on holiday.

My current method of wc is syphon water into a hugeeee bucket twice, tip it down the outside grid then refil bucket lift it and rest it up high then syphon clean water into tank.

I am going away on holiday for 3 weeks (booked amd saved for, for agessssssss). My mum is going to do my wc's as she has an aquarium but her tank is a tad less demanding needing fewer smaller wc's therefore smaller buckets.

I ideally dont want her doing my water changes in this way because I struggle so she will reallly struggle.

My idea is to run 2 pipes discretely through the wall one with a tap and one for waste water hidden in a cabinet. (my uncle will do this for me although my other half isnt too keen)

Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
I may be missing something here to where this wouldn't work for you but what about a python water changer ( or similar) that hooks up to the faucet?

It was just the first thing that came to mind since I have one and it makes things so much easier.

I use one for siphoning the water out of my tank and its simple. I can't use it to put water directing back into my tank from the faucet as I run a saltwater tank but it can be used that way for fresh.

I have a large tote my water stays mixed in (heater and powerhead) that I siphon back into my tank using the same water changer by way of the pump. If for any reason you didn't want to run water directly from the faucet this would be another option that would be easier than lugging buckets I'd imagine.
Wow i have had aquariums for years, pretty low tec till now but never heard of the python, just googled it and it looks fab. Do they do extra long hoses? Thanks alot. Great answer.
Wow i have had aquariums for years, pretty low tec till now but never heard of the python, just googled it and it looks fab. Do they do extra long hoses? Thanks alot. Great answer.

You're very welcome, glad I could be of some help!

If it will work for you I'd imagine it would certainly make things much easier. Especially with freshwater as you'd only have to flip the little switch to go from siphoning out to siphoning in the water.

I believe the longest offered is 100ft when buying the changer but I know there are extensions and I'm sure you could even pick up something at a Lowes (or similar store) to extend it if needed.

I actually have the Aqueon, different brand but same idea. I think the only difference is that the faucet adapter and such is plastic whereas its metal with the python. It is cheaper though I'm sure the metal adapter is better. I haven't had any issues out of mine (plastic) yet but I've only been using it about 6 months or less. Even though I can't fill my tank up from the faucet I still think it was very much worth the money and I use it at every water change.

I can't seem to find the 100ft in stock, though I'm sure it could be extended, but it is, or at least was offered in that length. The next length down is 75ft, no idea how long you'll need it.

Its on Amazon as well but Petco is listing the 100ft just as out of stock. The largest on Amazon is 75ft for the python.

This is the one I have and I did order it from Amazon. The tubing on mine is clear though, I'm not sure why it looks so dark in that photo. I only have the 25ft.
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