holy moly!! what is happening???

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 3, 2010
I have a 65 gallon bowfront that has been established for over 3 years. I have goromies, hightails tinfoil barbs, an eel and some tiger barbs and a rainbow in it...I havnt gotten anything new for at least a year...all has been happy and healthy etc...well this am I went to feed and it was a horrific sight...my tiger and tinfoil barbs were floating on top barley breathing, my rainbow fish was dead, my three hightails were dead,my eel was dead and my irridecent cat was on the bottom barley breathing...and his mouth looked weird...almost like it was inside out!!

Immediately started taking water out and did a 50% water change...shoulda tested first but I was kinda panicked. Took the dead fish out and then tested and the nitrates were a little high but I think that is normal when you have deaths, but other than that all was normal. Temp is also fine. What on earth could this be? Kinda seems like something poisoned the tank for it to be so sudden...any thoughts? Any advice from here? What could've poisemed them?
Since doing the water change the ones that were still barley alive are now swimming and seem fine...help??
First you need to think back if anything could have gotten in the tank? Any soap on anyone's hands that was in the tank? Any sprays in the air that could have gotten in?

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