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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 3, 2004
i just looked in my fish tank and there were about 20 snails that i didnt put in or were not there b4. i have a live plant in it that has been in for a while wihtout n e snails. how did they get there and wat can i do to get rid of them without hurting my other fish.
They usually hitchhike in as eggs on live plants.

You can take preventative measures by soaking your plants in a lime or bleach solution (be sure to rinse well before putting plants in tank).

More info here: http://www.aquariumadvice.com/viewtopic.php?t=19281

You can try putting a piece of lettuce in the tank and harvesting the snails that collect on it. I guess the best method of disposal is to put them in a baggie and throw them in the trash, i.e. you want to avoid introducing them to local waterways. Maybe someone knows more about this...

I don't know what fish you have, but some will eat snails if you smush them first. Use something other than your fingers, as you could cut yourself and get a nasty infection. Article:
(from this thread: http://www.aquariumadvice.com/viewtopic.php?t=10620&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0)

If you were to get snail eating fish, you would have to be sure that they were compatible with your current tank mates, and there's enough room in your tank for them.
LOL I'd add more, but theres nothing else to add; smilla's taken care of it :)
Why would you not want the snails? I really enjoy watching my mystery snails, some of the things they do really make me laugh. :roll:
Is there a health reason to not want snails? Or is it just a visual thing?
Why would you not want the snails?
They take over the tank. They live in the canister filters. They breed like mad. They are hard to get rid of.

On the other hand, I just added snails to aerate the sand substrate in two of my tanks. If they earn their keep, they can stay. If not, I know where the bleach is :twisted:
Snails. Ewww LOL

Depends on the person. I happen to loathe snails and rarely let them live. I have one 1/4" long common pond snail in my planted 10g, and he is only allowed to live cause he managed to live this long before I discovered him LOL Fortunately the dwarf gouramis eat the babies so overpopulation hasn't been an issue. I have NEVER seen him in the sand; just on it, and I doubt he does much to aerate the substrate.
For those with a sand substrate--the Malaysian Trumpet snails work nicely for aeration--I should have been more clear :roll: They are earning their keep, so they can stay.
i dont wnat them because they are taking over my tank. there are at least 20 of them and they arent very nice looking lol. is there n e thing u can but at an lfs to get rid of them.
Not really, though I suppose some of the "not safe for invertbrates" meds can do em in. But then you have dead rotting snails that you missed messin up your water quality! yuk! Got any friends you can borrow a loach from? Or you can get a trio of small snail chompers..maybe some zebras.
Practically all my fish like small snails and the loaches will try as big as they can.
Even my bettas eat them with gusto.

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