How can I get rid of this algae?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 6, 2003
Southern California
Will I have to pull this out and srub it down or will oto's eat this stuff up if I add a few in? Pleco's only eat green algae, right?

Otto's only eat green algae & plecos eat brown & green algae. You may want to try some SAE's or I would just scrub them free as you said.
Otos will eat brown algae as well. Mine cleaned my tank of it when I first got it.

You might also want to try a snail or two. I have a snail along with the oto, and they make a good cleanup crew. Algae gets kept well under control by the combo.
That doesn't look like an even surface that would be easy for snails to glide over. If it were my tank, I would just wipe it off myself :wink:
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