How do my levels look?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 28, 2005
Boston, MA
I'm new to this and keep trying to fiddle to get things right with the plants...

Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 5 (should this be higher?)
pH: 7.0
KH: 3.4
GH: 4.5
CO2: 10
Fe: 0 (dosed after test)
PO4: off charts (did 30% water change after test; most likely from water change not being done yet?)
Lighting: PC 110 watts
2 Nutrafin CO2 systems
the 2 nutrafin CO2 systems won't be enough. replace the grey canisters with larger vessels, 2-4 liter bottles, probably 2 of them.
What size tank? Is it the 46?
For my 29g, I run one nutrafin grey canaister and one 2liter, with satisfactory results.
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