how do you set this up?

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The water will go from overflow box to drip over the bioballs then back up your return pump its actually pretty simple
It was actually harder than anything I've set up in aquaria. Probably mostly due to the fact that I have no idea what kind of filter it is.

There is still about a two inch air bubble in the utube how do I get it out?
With having a siphon as your overflow your best bet is to hook up the air tube from a powerhead to the top of the siphon or use an aqua lifter because if that bubble breaks the siphon then the return won't know any better then to keep filling your tank til your sump is dry and your floor flooded lol
But if u don't wanna tap the u-tube then u could use a straw or something and suck the air out but keep an eye on that siphon...especially if your power goes out cause the siphon will fail then that's why so many people drill the tanks now which if you are just starting I'd advise doing and scrap the siphon
Good point I was pretty concerned about that. What is an aqualifer?

This contraption came with the tank I bought used. My fluval and hob will go on it but I thought of using it on the 55g
bigbanker said:
Last night the tube coming from the overflow box fell and all the water emptied onto my floor.

Drill it! You've just experienced first hand why a drilled tank takes away a lot from the stress your already gonna have lol...nows the best time though since you have no livestock and it really is a lot easier then you may think or if you decide to pay someone its well worth it
You'll need someone to supply you the link or do some searching around but somewhere you can get the drill bit and bulkhead for I wanna say 20-30 bucks... You'll use a diamond bit that needs to be sprayed with water or submerged by using plumbing putty to make a resovoir and just drill lol YouTube it and you'll understand
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