How hard for a saltwater newb?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 14, 2003
Bristol, Pa
I have yet to delve into the saltwater aspect of this hobby. I have a 110 at home waiting to be a sw tank when home renovations are over, but haven't started it yet.

I recently got this for my birthday - 6 gal nano

Am thinking about doing a planted fw tank, but wanted to see how hard and how much work it would be to do a nano reef...or even just a fowlr...

Any ideas and blunt honesty would be greatly appreciated.
With a limited bio-load I think it's doable (like one small fish and a couple mobile inverts) There aren't many options for skimmers for a tank that small but doing frequent pwc isn't that hard either.

I think it would be good practice for a larger tank, give you an idea on how to maintain good water parameters, and with 18W of lighting you could even dabble in some beginner corals.

If you can successfully keep a nano tank going a larger tank will be a breeze :D
If you mix larger batches of SW (10+ gal each time) it's easier to keep your parameters inline and match the main tank. The SW can be kept for a week or two IME as long as you aerate it for a couple of hours before using it.

Just noticed the upcoming 28g Nano Cube HQI Aquarium on that site :eek: Looks pretty nice for an all in one unit.
The naocubes are pretty good all-in-one systems. 6gals is a bit small to start but with your experience and good upkeep I do not think you will have a problem. I do suggest throwing out all of the filtration media that came with the tank (sponges, bioballs and ceramic rings) as they are not the best for a reef application. Pack the compartments with LR rubble instead. Good luck!
I have decided to go with a planted fw system for now....I am still scared about the whole sw world, lol. When we get the 110 up and running at home and I have some experience under my belt, I will probably convert it.
lmw80 said:
I have decided to go with a planted fw system for now....I am still scared about the whole sw world, lol. When we get the 110 up and running at home and I have some experience under my belt, I will probably convert it.

I've had freshwater for years, and dove in to a nano tank headfirst. I did a lot of reading ahead of time, but I'be had a 10 gallon nano, and I've lost a few animals, but I've completely got the hang of it now and there is nothing as rewarding as saltwater reef in the fishkeeping hobby (IMO).

Of course, there's nothing as costly as a saltwater reef, but it's SO worth it!

I think if you want to jump in with a small tank and you have previous aquarium experience, 10g or above is totally manageable if you keep up with PWCs and testing religiously. But my tank is at work so I can do that without issue.
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