How hard its it

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ok well it's not hard to maintain at all if thats what your askin. changeover is easy if done right. i suggest you change 1/4 of your gravel every 2 weeks with sand to change scoop out the gravel then use a pvc pipe to funnel the sand in and to reduce cloudyness
I wouldn't do it in segments... I would just do the whole tank at the same time. It might cause a bit of a mini cycle, but it won't take long for the filter to recover.

I agree though about using a pvc pipe or some method to reduce cloudiness.

Just put the fish in a bucket for a few hours while you change it over.
fort384 said:
I wouldn't do it in segments... I would just do the whole tank at the same time. It might cause a bit of a mini cycle, but it won't take long for the filter to recover.

I agree though about using a pvc pipe or some method to reduce cloudiness.

Just put the fish in a bucket for a few hours while you change it over.

how come you wouldn't do it in segements? just curious
Because it will stress the fish. I would rather do that once, than 4 times. Plus it is a pain in the neck... so I would want to just get it over with.
well you learn something new each day i was tryin to help the op avoid a mini cycle but your points are vaild it would be a paiin in the neck lol
If you've got enough filter media you won't be upsetting your bacterial filter too much. I run two hobs on my 55 and I've stuffed so much filter sponge into the back of them that the biological filter has enough surface area in the filter itself to thrive with complete substrate cleanings/changes.

I would do it in one go.
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