How long do I have to wait for corals?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 16, 2004
Thomasville, Georgia
How long after cycling do you have to wait until you can have corals? I know 6 months to year for anemones. Is it the same for corals? Also how long do most live?
Umm, I wouldnt start adding until maybe a few months after tank is cycled, and add the supplements for the corals to survive, like alk and cal. Basically ALOT of corals will live as long as your tank lives, they arent like anemones that in captivity cant really live very long, but basically all corals will survive as long as the tank if the tank is suitible for the corals :wink: HTH
if you have the right lighting and water movement you can pretty much start with some easy softies fairly soon after you have cycled.
Shrooms, leathers, and Polyps are great to start with.

I would suggest waiting at least a little bit until you get a hang of keeping everything stable, also you can expect some minor algea break outs that new tanks go through. Algea can grow over the corals. Just keep on top of your tank and you should be fine.

After 2 months I started adding Corals. My tank is now just 3 months old with a bunch of corals and is doing great. I am always looking for a nice piece to add to my tank.

Good luck
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