How long to QT?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 12, 2005
Dubuque, Iowa
I know this has probably been asked millions of times but I've searched and can find nothing.
I have 3 fish in QT right now waiting to be added to my main. I was planning on 4 weeks. Is that about right?

If fish remain asymptomatic four weeks should be fine. If they show signs of abnormal behavior, infection or parasiic infestation then stretch it out to 6 weeks.
yeah I usually waited like 2-4 weeks before adding a fish after QTing.
Thanks guys/girls.
tecwzrd, I had read (ok - maybe just skimmed) that link several times before posting and not until re-reading it again did I see the 3 week reference :oops:
I'm still going to do 4 weeks (less than 2 left to go now).

Thanks again all!
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