How many tropical fish in ten gal

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3 Cardinal Tetra-$5.07
3 Red Wag Platy-$3.87
1 Clown Loach-$5.49
1 Dwarf Gourami-$5.69
1 Purple Glofish-$10.00
3 Cardinal Tetra-$5.07
3 Red Wag Platy-$3.87
1 Clown Loach-$5.49
1 Dwarf Gourami-$5.69
1 Purple Glofish-$10.00

Tetras need to be in groups of 6-8, more is even better, cardinals are too big for this tank, in my opinion.

Clown loaches require groups of at least 3 and you'd need 75 gallons.

Glofish also should be in groups of 6-8, more is even better.

I wouldn't put a DG in a 10 gallon, perhaps others might say yes.

Not sure what size school the platies require.

Have you researched these species at all to see what their requirements are?
I have researched the tetras and platys...... all I've heard is that they need to be in groups.
Some species depend on their environment in order to feel safe and secure, other species depend on members of their own species. That's why it's important to stick to the guidelines for schooling numbers. If you get less of a species than recommended, you end up with stressed fish that will either spread disease or die.
IMO a 10 gallon tank isn't going to be enough room for tetras. Most like to swim and a tiny tank like that is really going to cramp them, especially groups of 6 or more.
In a 10 Gal your choices are somewhat limited. Aside from those mentioned, you can also look at 6-8 Harlequin Rasboras.
You could try some Ember tetras, celestial pearl danios or chilli rasbora. They all stay small.
NoMoreGoldFish said:
Why don't you do shrimps and snails instead? They're perfect for a 10 gallon.

Yes shrimp!!! They'd look cool or maybe even Orange dwarf crayfish!! Endlers would be a good fish for a 10 and there are some killifish that would work too. Bug I'm with everyone else with your stocking plans...
I have a DG as my centerpiece fish in my 10 gallon and he does marvelously! If you do put a DG in your 10g it seriously limits your other options.

If I had an empty 10g to play with I'd go for one of those gorgeous male bettas they've been selling at petco lately and maybe some pygmy cories or shrimp to school around the bottom. I'd also be planting it like crazy, but that's a totally different topic. ;) Good luck!

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