how much rock is to much or just right?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 25, 2004
Milwaukee WI
I want to put some rock formations in my 10 gal shelly tank i am setting up. I know i need space for swimming and room for shells. How much rock can i put in though? I would love to put some texas holey rock or slate rock formations in the tank maybe with a plant or two.

how many pounds is too much?? any info would be really apreciated. Thanks
If you're worried about weight, then I suppose the thickness of your glass will be a factor. I have 15kg of monkey stone and slate in my 24g tank, no problems. Just make sure your tank is on a solid, flat surface!
It's not so much the pounds, but the shapes. Try to get THR with lots of holes for the shellies to swim through and it's lighter in weight. You just need to find a few pieces that you like the looks of.
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