How to prepare newly bought plants?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 3, 2013
Seoul, South Korea
Hey guys,

So I'm wondering if anyone has a procedure before introducing newly bought plants before introducing it into your aquarium.

The reason I ask is because sometimes the plants you get can carry algae, which would be a disaster.

If anyone has any ideas on what to do before planting, it would be greatly appreciated!
You can dip them in a peroxide solution or a bleach solution. Do a search on her for plant dip and you will find many approaches. Myself, I just QT them in a bucket I set up just for that purpose. I leave them in there for a couple of weeks and then plant in my tank. Some plants do not do well after being dipped in anything. I have used peroxide to remove algae from plants while they were in the tank but never dipped them.
I mix a 1 part hydrogen peroxide to 3 parts water and leave new plants soak for 20-30 minutes before planting. No rinsing, just remove from solution and plant.
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