Hyrbid or not? AKA name that fish

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 9, 2003
Columbus Ohio USA
Hey, I've been reading about hybrids but other than painted fish not sure if I've seen one. However, I was at the LFS over the weekend and saw what looked like a sepae tetra with the fins of a fancy guppy. Here's the crazy thing. With the tank right in front of me and the name of the fish on the tank, I thought, I'm going to have to ask everyone on AA to see if they know what kind of fish it is. :roll:

Yeah sort of crazy now that I think about it. But it was closing time, I did have the wife, three year old and in laws with me and we were arguing over getting the son a 20 gallon tank.

So anyone know the species of the fish?
Sorry I left the r out... typo it looked like a serpae tetra with fancy guppie fins and tail. As colorful as a fany guppy.

Just looked at the Long fin skirt tetra and that's not it.
I knew what you meant, I just didn't know how to spell it myself (with ot without r). So it's not a killifish?
Thanks for the link. I checked out the bleeding heart. It's not it. The fish looks just like a serpae but with the fins and tail of a male fancy guppy appropriately sized for a serpae. Sort of a cool looking fish IF it isn't a hybrid. Hopefully the next time I go in they'll still have some and I can post it.
Yes that could be them. Hard to see the colors in the fins and tail. Beautiful fish. Are they as aggressive as the regular serpaes?
As aggressive as the regs? Yeah, I guess. I haven't had any I would consider "agressive", but they are known to be slightly ornery. I've got one that's a chaser, but that's it. But yes, they would have the same temperament that the regular-finned ones do.
Mine are usually just nippy with each other but they don't hurt anyone. They may nip other fishes fins and take some small bits out of them, that's about it. I'm pretty sure they are the same species and are just like the regular ones.
I have some of those! I think mine are just the regular finned ones. Mine aren't aggressive at all. Not really very active either. I love their color. They look great in the only planted tank I have... I do have one tiger barb in with them cause my other tiger barbs were picking on him... They all seem to get along fine...
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