i cant decide what to stock my 55 with

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 1, 2012
I was given a bunch of small convict fry a year ago. I've since upgraded from a 29gal to a 55 and need to weed it out a lot. As you all know convicts breed like crazy and I have 3 breeding pairs. When I see fry I suck them out and I'm doing water changes like crazy. My lfs said he would take everything that I didnt want and give me store credit. Now I'm trying to decide what I want. I'm thinking about keeping a pair of convicts and then maybe a pair of firemouth and maybe 1 jd and a bn pleco. What do you all think?
That is too many aggressive fish in a 55.when the become adults,it will be overcrowded.that won't take long before they pack on some size.I would stick to one pair in the 55
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