I got a horseshoe crab!

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Iduno, if you get a bigger tank, and are prepared, go for it, but perhaps a triops would be a better fit..
(A smaller, freshwater vesion of a hs crab)
And do you keep fish that were once in a multi trillion gallon ocean and put into a fish tank say 50 gallons? Yes, you do, that's why were on this site. I am taking good care of Her and intend to do so as long as I can, and if I have to, give her away. We are on this site to help, not to attempt to put people down which FYI isn't working, and i thought you would be interested and not mad or sad whatever you are, and I am sorry for any offense. I too love animals, and will do what is best for all that I own.
I have a horseshoe crab in my 75g and see it every once in a while, but honestly, I really want to give it away/sell it to lfs because it doesn't add anything to the tank and I'm afraid of it dying and polluting my tank.
If its a polyphemous (sp?) Than it will grow to about 4 feet in length. A reccomended tank size (not much on them) was 500 gal. And even at that was reported a low survival rate, as its just not the space they need to roam and forage for mullusks. I'm just concerned for the health of the animal. The polyphemous (again sp?) Can also go nearly a year without eating, and it could be 2 oe even 4 molts before you realize he's dead.
As for my fish, all are more than capable of living long, healthy, happy lives, as they don't need the space that a lineus polyphemus horseshoe crab needs. The smallest of the horseshoe crabs get about 1 to 2 feet, and that's still a need for a bigger tank that what you have...I'm just trying to inform you of the negatives of these fish. If your able to get a 500+ gal tank, and properly take care of it, great, I'm just hoping your taking into consideration the responsibility of the animal. Also note that one species, from thiland lays eggs that contain some sort of toxin, and can kill people, not to mention your curious livestock..
I knew what I was getting into when I bought her. If she gets too big, I will find a home for her with more than enough space than she needs. I will upgrade if possible, but, again, she will have a home suitable for her needs in the longrun. Right now, she is perfectly happy and healthy in my tank. I also love marine life like everyone else on this site, and will do what I need to do to make this animal thrive.
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