I hate my tank

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 25, 2004
So I am selling the fish back to the lfs and I am not sure if I should sell them my lr or try to sell it on my own. Its not very pretty at the moment so I was thinking $2 a pound. Does that sound like a reasonable price to ask?
I think you could ask for $3 a lb and sell it quickly to fellow reefkeepers in your area. You'd be doing them and yourself a service by selling it privately. If you sold it to your LFS, they'd probably give you $1-2 a lb and then sell it to people for $5 a lb. You'd be better off listing it in the paper or on AA's classified section.
Here are some pics of what my rock looks like now.
does it look like its worth 3 bucks a pound?
Its just a general dislike for this tank. Its not holding my interest, its really hard to maintain, I have no desire to really work with it. I have a fw tank and I love it. I am very attached to my fish, I love maintaining it. I gave sw a shot, and its just not for me. :(
Man, that sucks. It's not for everybody. I kind of feel that way about Discus. Thought they would be awsome to have. Read and read and read and finally had 5 in a 55gal. Set it up with plants and drift wood and peat moss and kept it dim. Had it for a year and realized that these fish have no personality at all. Boring as I don't know what...
I can understand the feeling. I'm not real happy with my SW tank right now either. It tears through calcium and alkalinity, my anemone didn't last 3 weeks, I have to top off with 2 gallons a day due to having to run a fan on the water to keep the temp at 80 degrees. Lately the coralline has been peeling off the back glass for no reason.

my planted tanks, I'm always re-arranging stuff...but the reef tank...it stays the same...always.
8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O

You guys are frightening me!

Oh and can someone look at the live rock pictures and comment. If I live close enough to Meredith....maybe I should consider buying some?
sorry to hear you didn't enjoy saltwater. it's not for everyone, obviously. if it was, we'd deplete the reefs in no time!!
LR is good now matter what it looks like. Is it pretty with coraline algae,No. Is the best filtration you can get , yes..
If I were close I would buy it, scrub it in fresh SW and then use it. It dose not have to look nice to do its job. That is an added benefit.
I think that rock is gorgeous (structurally, which is all that matters to me)! Most LR that's for sale around here goes for 2$ a pound. I don't really bother looking at anything more expensive than that because I can usually find it from someone at 2$ a $. That being said I'm sure you could find someone to pick up the rock for 2.50-3$ a #.

And as far as coraline coverage I'm not as concerned/interested in that as I am bioload bearing capability. The color can come over time. Most people buying 2nd hand rock have some purple in their tanks already.

Sorry to hear that you're bailing out, but you have to do what makes you happy. I can't imagine not having corals. I just love watching them. They are just amazing to me.
I think if I had more time and money and something a bit smaller, I would enjoy it more. Im just at the point now that I don't want to even put forth the effort to change everything, I would rather just get it out of here. Any way, thanks for the info on the rock. If my lfs doesn't buy it, you may be seeing it for sale here shortly.

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