I have two totally unrelated questions

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 5, 2004
What bottom feeder fish should I get to go in with my angelfish in the 20 gal? I am eventually (in a few years) moving the 2 angels to a 55 gal when they get bigger.

What fish could be kept with a dwarf snakehead?
I would get a bristlenose pleco. Anything smaller like ottos could get harassed, if not eaten.

As for the snakehead, I can't help you there. I have no experience with them. Sorry!
Most internet sites say the dwarf snakehead should only be kept with large cichlids that can hold their own.
umm...i remember reading in an issue of aquariumfish that tiger loaches are prone to nipping on fins of slow-moving fish as angels. well it depends a lot on the individual's personality, but keep an eye out for frayed angel fins.
otherwise a group of cories would do fine with the angels.
For the angel tankmate, my vote is also for corys. They are so cute, and they get along with everyone.
Are you looking for a bottom dweller to pick up the leftover food or eat algae? Or both?

Cories will not eliminate your algae problem. Pleco's on the other hand will take care of both.
tiger loaches are usually nocturnal, and would hide in a cave or a safe refuge during the day. so you won't see much of it. whereas, cories are bustling little fishies that would be active throughout the day.
Whether its nocturnal or not, it will still get the job done, so its a waste to add cories.
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