I possibly have a leaking tank...

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 3, 2003
Well I think my tank might be leaking but I am not sure from where. I had this tank for over 5 years and I never had a problem until now. How long do tanks usually last before they spring a leak? the leak is not big at all but it is at the bottom I think. I woke up this morning to have a small puddle forming at the top of my stand, I wiped it dry looked around to see if any of my hoses had a leak. Everything is dry but my stand and underneath the tank.

If this is really a leak what do I do?


Tanks definitely should last longer than 5 years. I could be something leaking or dripping that built up there overnight. I'd just keep a close eye on it and see if you can pinpoint where it is coming from. If it is a leak in the sealant they are fixable but I believe you would have to drain your tank to fix it, or possibly patch it from the outside?
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