I should have known better!!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 1, 2004
Sorry everyone for being an idiot. Like the saying goes, Live and Learn :(
I was at mt LFS today and picked up 4 guppies and 2 Stingray Plecos (which I have now learned are NOT stingray plecos but are actually called "Hong Kong Loach".

Anyway, I soon as I added the guppys to the tank my fish must have thought it was feeding time. They chased them around a little. I figured it was nothing and more like "hey, haven't seen you before" kind of thing. Anyway, after about 15 minutes I went back to see 1 of the guppys being eaten and was dead. I am currently trying to catch the other 2 (already got 1 and addedd it to my 10gal tank with currently houses 1 2" goldfish.)

They are not very easy to catch especially with them staying at the bottom of the tank. Any ideas on how to catch them? I feel really bad espically knowing that I should have known better. I currently have in the tank with them:

55 Gallon Tank:
1 Pictus Catfish
1 Birchir
3 Angel Fish
3 Congo Tetras
2 2 Golden Wonder Killifish
1 Gold algae eater
2 Hong Kong Loach

Sorry all, let the flaming begin.. But if you can throw me a tip on how to catch them (if there is a secret) I would appreciate it.

ALso, can the 3 guppys stay in my 10gal tank with the 1 goldfish? I was going to return them tomorow but if they can stay in that tank then I will keep them.

Thanks in advance.

If they will come to the surface to feed you can put a net in the water under the food & make a quick swoop.
UPDATE: Got them all out.. The 3 guppys are now in my 10gallon tank.

My goodness! Sounds like you had quite a time! Glad you got the rest out before they were snacks :D I don't know a thing about goldfish. Sorry.
No flaming....but you've certainly learned a good lesson. The guppies didn't stand a chance. The Pimelodella pictus and Polypterus senegalus will definitely enjoy a nice guppy snack and it wouldn't have surprised me if your killifish didn't tear them up.

Guppies and goldfish don't make the best tank-mates either for the simple reason that goldfish prefer cooler water than guppies do. Still....guppies are relatively hardy and as long as you don't let the temperature drop too low they should be OK. On the other hand....your goldfish is a major 'poop factory' so I hope the 10 gallon is well-filtered.

Good luck!

Flaming? Not here I hope. This is one of the FEW actually useful forums I have used.

Ya, good filtration is a must for the 10 gallon. They will get along fine together. The two fish prefer slightly different temperatures, but i'm sure you could make both happy with something in the middle. Maybe low 70's... Someone else will have a better answer for sure.
No flaming here. It is a horrid thing to learn like that. I actually have my tank setup so that the fry can live but it is like nature "only the strong survive" that being said it is true because my new fry have 2 adult angelfish to contend with. not an easy task! I am though quite impressed that the polypterus senegalus didn't get them all. Gorgeous fish ... i wish i could keep one in my tank. Though most of my fish would be its snacks
Thank you all for the replys. Both the Killifish and the polypterus senegalus went for the guppys. Had I turned the lites out I am pretty sure the Catfish would have made them do a disappearing act now that I think of it.

Well, will see what happens with them in the 10gallon. I have a AC filter made for up to 20 gallons..

If you have good filtration and the temperature is not too low for the guppies, the goldfish will withstand a mild abount of heating. I know that people keep goldfish in tanks the tropics at quite high tempertures. All the goldfish do is grow fast and be active.
I will most likey get a seperarte tank for him once he gets larger. Right now he is only about 4"..

Question, Can I feed my guppies the goldfish flake? Or feed the Goldfish and guppies my high quality flake that I give to my other fish?

1FatFish said:
I will most likey get a seperarte tank for him once he gets larger. Right now he is only about 4"..

Which means that he is already big enough to be a threat to the guppies and killies.

Question, Can I feed my guppies the goldfish flake? Or feed the Goldfish and guppies my high quality flake that I give to my other fish?


No, no, and yes. The high-quality flake is fine for the guppies, but the goldfish flake will not be nutritionally complete, and the goldfish will not be able to handle all the animal protein and fat in the high-quality flake.
Damnit.. Impossible to throw a certain flake in the tank without the other getting it..
What should I do?

1FatFish said:
darnit.. Impossible to throw a certain flake in the tank without the other getting it..
What should I do?


Put the hillstream loaches in a cool-water river tank (lots of oxygenisation and current), the goldfish in a coldwater tank of their own, leave the pictus, bichir and angels in the 55, give the killies a 5 gallon tropical tank to themselves, and give the guppies their own 10. The problem is that you have an awful lot of fish that simply should not be co-habitating as they and their environments and diets are incompatible.
Put the hillstream loaches in a cool-water river tank (lots of oxygenisation and current), the goldfish in a coldwater tank of their own, leave the pictus, bichir and angels in the 55, give the killies a 5 gallon tropical tank to themselves, and give the guppies their own 10. The problem is that you have an awful lot of fish that simply should not be co-habitating as they and their environments and diets are incompatible.
Good advise..... DITTO
your guppies should be ok with your goldfish, guppies are amazing fish :D i had the same problem with my bichir before cause he keeps on eating my small african cichlids, now i gave him to a friend who has a 100gal tank housing a green terror and red devil which seems to ignore the bichir who's now 12"
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