I want a Bolivian Ram.

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 18, 2011
Grand Rapids, MI
I really want to get a Bolivian Ram, I think that they are very cool little fish. I just gave my German Blue Ram away and i really want to get a Bolivian Ram. Is there anything that anyone can tell me that this fish will like or what type of things would be good in its habitat?
I'm not 100 percent sure on this but I think they are almost the same as German blue rams as far as there setup is. Hopefully someone can verify that
lots of rocks and plants are the things they love. they need a 20 gallon long as a minimum sized tank. and theyre pretty easy to take care of. much easier then german blue rams.
Yah I know they prefer 20 gal setup but they can live in 10 gal easily I've heard.. But yah you are prolly right that they are much like GBR in their needs.. So hopefully I'll be fine
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