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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 19, 2007
Amherstburg, Ontario
I have noticed some ich accumulating on my keyhole cichlid...I have a 55Gal tank...I purchased some Super Ick Cure from the LFS...the guy told me it worked the best...I have yet to put it into my tank as I don's want eveyrthign to turn all blue...I have the temperature going up to about 87...my question is should a treat it medication or do you think I can get rid of it by heat only? Also, are the other fish in the tank still healthy or do they all ahve it now that I know one does?

PS. I read the sticky article...just confused on whether or not to medicate and if other fish are healthy???

Turning the heat up 87F and leaving it there for two weeks will kill off any ich without the need for medication.
theotheragentm said:
Turning the heat up 87F and leaving it there for two weeks will kill off any ich without the need for medication.

Thanks I really hope so...this has gotten me prett upset...I hate when I have no control over a situation...
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