Fuzzy Eye Goldfish

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 22, 2024
Chicago, IL
About 2 weeks ago I moved my goldfish to a new tank. Since the day after they have had a weird sickness I can’t figure out or cure. White puffy covering on eyes, and non furry large spots along body. Fins were ragged fast on the orange one, but improved.

You can see white areas from body / eyes in pics.

Had the goldfish for months, tank and equipment were all new/ cleaned/ cycled. Water conditions are 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 0-5 Nitrate.

I’ve tried API Fin and Body Cure, and after that didn’t work a full week of Pimafix and Melafix.

Any idea what this could be and how to clear it up?!?!


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Eye issues are usually from scrapes. It happens when netted, the brush up against decorations, etc. If they are not too advanced, aquarium salt can help heal these. If you are 2 weeks into this already, salt alone probably won't so the trick. To properly medicate, your water parameters play a key role. What is the Ph and GH of your water?
Unsure of GH, don’t have a test that covers it. PH is 7.4-7.6.

I did net them for the move. Could that be the white spots on the body/ fins too?
Unsure of GH, don’t have a test that covers it. PH is 7.4-7.6.

I did net them for the move. Could that be the white spots on the body/ fins too?
Yes. Moving goldfish can be iffy by net and is best done by hand catching the fish or corralling them into a container vs using a net on them.
With your Ph, the best med to help heal these issues is Kanamycin ( Kanaplex). It is more effective in higher Phs like yours and is also effective in high GH water. ( One of the reasons the Fin and Body Cure may not have worked is that all Tetracycline based meds are less effective in higher Calcium environments. Usually high Ph water has higher GH levels. )
Although Seachem claims that it's Kanaplex will not kill the nitrifying microbes but does suppress nitrifying activity, they do suggest adding live bacteria to help boost the suppressed microbes after medicating. You can avoid this by treating the fish in a separate bare bottom hospital tank. Just follow the directions on the package for water change & retreatment schedules.
Hope this helps. (y)
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