ICH? Question.

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 22, 2006
I started a thread in the appropriate forum, but need a response soon 'cause I"m leaving work in a half hour and can pick up meds at the aquarium. Please read the following description of the problem.

Can I use the ICH cures with Bronze cories?

Read the one at this link which has the full description, and a quote from SCFatz who made an interesting fungal point.
I don't know about the answer of cures with your cories, but in my experience every cure I have tried, regardless of the fish in the tank....only made things worse.

The one thing that has worked for me is raising the temp up to about 86*F.

But thats just my experience.
If nothing new has been added to the tank in a year,then imo,its not ich and is more likely fungal do to poor water quality.I don't think ich will be dormant for that long.Someone will correct me if I'm wrong.

Get a test kit when your at the LFS if you don't have one already.Someone else will have to suggest fungus medicine because I've never had to use it.(yet).....It seems I've read about something jungle or another more often then others but I'm not sure.

Post your water quality results when you can.

And welcome to AA!
Raise the temp in the tank to at least 86 degrees and keep it at that temp for 2 weeks after the last spot is gone. I am moving this thread to the appropriate forum.
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