Ich refuses to go away!!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 5, 2010
Sheffield UK
I know Marine Ich has probably been covered a million times but here’s my issue…

I have a 240l tank
40l sump
UV sterilizer
Phosphate reactor
Fair amount of LR
All nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, phosphate levels are low and stable
Temp 26c
8.2 Ph


1 Perc Clown
2 Green Chromis
1 Yellow Tang
1 Blue Tang (the issue)
3 Cleaner Shrimp
1 Peppermint Shrimp
20 Hermits


Kenya tree
2 Xenia

All get on fine… Even the Tangs don’t mind each other!

I acclimatized my powder blue properly over 40 mins about 2 days later I noticed he had Ich! He didn’t show any signs in the LFS and was eating great from the start. I Then set up a QT that day and proceeded to catch EVERY fish I had (nightmare) After 4 hours of trying to trap and the fish I ended up taking all my LR out. All fish then lived in the QT at 0.009SG for 2 weeks ( I lowered the SG over 2 days not including the 2 weeks) After 2 weeks the Ich seemed to have completely gone. All fish eating really well. Even weaned my powder blue onto flake food in the process. I then raised the SG in my QT to 0.025SG over a week. While Doing 20% water changes in my display tank once a week. I then left my fish in the QT until my display tank had been empty of fish for 8 weeks.
I slowly put my fish back in 2 a week for smaller ones and 1 tang a week after. They have all been back in the display for 1 week now. Guess what… My powder blue is covered in Ich again!(body and fins)

What Should I do??? I’ve been told by a friend that has kept marines for 8 year that he just leaves Ich… But everything I read on the net tells me not to. I don’t want my fish to suffer. None of the other fish are showing any sign of Ich at the moment.
Any advice would be great
Thanks Joe
I would have treated the fish on hypo longer than two weeks. IMO two weeks is not long enough. I believe you did let the main go fishless long enough. If it was a few I would see how it goes but if the fish is covered than you might need to treat again. You might want to soak the food in garlic as it will help build up the immune system of the fish. While I dont believe the garlic will kill the parasite I do think it raises the immune system.
also I don't know how you have it set up but all the water has to go through the uv for it to be truly effective
yes depending on who you talk to ich has a life cycle of 6-8 weeks, they hadnt died off but were off freeswimming having babies then hopping back on your fish.
also I don't know how you have it set up but all the water has to go through the uv for it to be truly effective
What water??UV is not needed to kill ich,and IMHO ,are a waste of money...I know a lot of people who use and defend them,but they are simply not needed
uv seems to be very temperamental, the right flow with the right wattage at this precise time, with stars aligning on a blue moon... jk about that last part but they are very hit and miss.
I dont mean to be mean but that tank isnt big enough for any tangs. That could be why they got ick. There immune system was weakended from being stressed in a small tank and boom.

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