Ich treatment

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Ya, could i add fish in 3 weeks? Eating isnt an issue yet. They eat EVERYTHING hahah
Ya i was thinking i could put a bn pleco in our 10g qt for a couple weeks?
Cool! Iv noticed that most of the fist have cleared up a bit, but one still has it..ALL OVER. its amazing how qhickly it can come! 3 days and boom
Just remember if u do the mrds try to keep at it for a 3 days to a week after the spots r gone from the fish to make sure the ich its completly gone n then do a 50% pwc
abrahamavelar said:
Just remember if u do the mrds try to keep at it for a 3 days to a week after the spots r gone from the fish to make sure the ich its completly gone n then do a 50% pwc

So far iv just done heat, but thanks
Awesome! Question, does the temp at 86 kill the ich, or just cause it to go away for the time being??
Well I heard both also I know it speeds it up but I heard that 87 kills it but stresses the fish alot

My fish were perfectly fine at 88 for 12 days. I have neons, black neon tetra's, dwarf gourami, angels, cory's. Everybody was fine and the ich is completely gone.
Reygan2 said:
My fish were perfectly fine at 88 for 12 days. I have neons, black neon tetra's, dwarf gourami, angels, cory's. Everybody was fine and the ich is completely gone.

Nice! But do you think 86 will be enough?
Yes. I just don't want you to worry. Most fish are very tolerant of high temps, just make sure you have plenty of surface agitation and air circulation. Good luck! It's worth the wait...and better than using meds IMO;)
(when treatment is finished, I would lower the temp really slow)
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