
The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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SW Beginner

Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 8, 2002
Could we have a coupons and bargains section? For example, a Petco in Tampa will be having its grand opening November 15 - 17 and will have 50 gallon bags of Instant Ocean for $9.99 and tanks 20 gallons on up for $1 a gallon. Something like that (and it is true, btw) just does not seem to fit in with any of the current selections.
Hmmm, I suppose the best way to handle this would be to start a thread in both the FW and SW sections. To give them the most coverage. The problem I see would be that there are some bargains and deals that might apply to both, it would be getting those deals copied to both threads...but it is worth a shot. We could put up a new thread each month and make it a sticky so it stayed at the top of the page...
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