If You Could Go Into Your Tank...

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 9, 2011
New York
Alright, time to use your imaginations everyone! If you could turn into a fish and go into your fish tank, what would you do in there?

What I'd do is join a school and see what it feels like, and also swim through my crypt bunch because those plants always seem so soft. You?
I would see what they were thinking and or talking about. My oscar would probably sound like the godfather and my pike would sound like his henchman lol
I'd be my cleaner shrimp. He gets more food than anyone else b/c he's so bold and he cleans fish and people's hands...I don't know sounds like an interesting job and lifestyle lol.
I would totally try to get a good look in my pistol/goby's burrow!!!! I'd be afraid the pistol would shoot me for intruding, but it would be so cool to see the inside of that! It's huge- there's 4 openings that I know of, and he has dragged so many shell pieces in there to shore up the walls, it's gotta be cool! :)
I'd love to see what's inside the rock in my SW tank... My fish disappear in there! But i'd also prefer to live in my planted tank... Looks like a paradise in there lol.
I would totally try to get a good look in my pistol/goby's burrow!!!! I'd be afraid the pistol would shoot me for intruding, but it would be so cool to see the inside of that! It's huge- there's 4 openings that I know of, and he has dragged so many shell pieces in there to shore up the walls, it's gotta be cool! :)

sounds like a paradise burrow!
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