im back and in the beginners forum...

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 29, 2005
Perth. Western Australia
hi all, and everyone else...

Ok so, i havent posted in yonks and alas my tank has turned mung (aka ugly, bad). I have retreated to the beginners forum to ask some particularly n00bie questions :p

Ok, so somehow, ive let my aquarium endevours fall to such lows that i've even forgotten how often i should be changing my water :s
I have a 20 gallon freshwater tank, injecting co2. live plants, java fern, java moss and anubis nani. These seem to be the only plants i have any long term success with so i think i'll just stick to them, i think they look nice so i figure i may as well fill my tank with them :p and besides, i can just tell everyone that sees my tank that they are actually really delicate precious plants :p
fish: i have 2 small bristtle nose plecos, 4 cherry barbs and 8 neons.

Main question was just how much and how often i should change the water? 25% every second week? It's not like i have anything fragile in my tank plant wise, and i haven't had a fish death in well...forever.

I really like my foreground of ferns, moss and anubis. with the rocks and wood it looks great (i think anyways) so im excitied to get my whole tank looking like that.

thanks in advance guys
keep it spunky
50% each week seems to be the norm for most here.

You made no mention of fertilizers in your post. Could this be a possible cause for plant failure with other species?
i do 50% per week.

you say you are running CO2 (how much light and ferts are you using?)

if you are low light and no ferts, then i might recommend stoping the CO2, just a thought. the CO2 will cause the plants to us up what natural nutrients there are in the water faster, you are working with low light, low maintains plants :D
thanks for that guys :) Still the best forum around :)

lighting and ferts...

Lighting is 2 watts per gallon, i leave them on for about 12-14 hours a day...that ok?

I think stopping the co2 sounds like a good idea since i do not add any ferts at all. i just left it on and figured if it was on then atleast the plants won't run out of carbon :p

So how does 20 gallons with 2 watts per gallon and my bio-load sound as far as a stable community tank go? Surely that'll be fine for the likes of the javas and nani?...and yes yes i know nothing is certain in this hobby! :p
I'll start changing 25% a week...50% is a bit hard...alas i have no python :p it's a bucket job im afraid :p
First thing I would do is cut the lighting to 10 hours a day. You could try removing the CO2, at 2 wpg you should not need it.
Thanks guys.

My tank's getting back on track :)
I'm going for a new look actually...really happy with it so far, I'll be trying to get some pictures up when i can. I really like the natural jungle look, so i have lots of anubis nani growing on/off rocks and pieces of drift wood with it's roots looking cool diving down into the gravel etc. i also have java fern attached to rock and wood with it's roots doing a similar thing to the nani, it loks really natual and interesting i think anyways...

Thanks for the pointers, and if you have any more or any suggestions conercerning my new look feel free to spill them! haha

Thanks again, and in advance
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