I'm not an expert, but...

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 8, 2005
Syracuse, NY
I'm not usually one to say anything, but I had to today. I was at Walmart picking up new filter cartridges and there was a lady getting a big bag of cichlids. He told her to dump the entire bag right in the tank as soon as she got home. She asked him if that was really the way to do it because she always scooped the fish right out and he said yes, dump the entire bag, water and all. I told her not to do that, but to float the bag for a little while and net the fish out. I said at least don't dump the water into your tank. I think the employee got mad, but oh well. :roll:
Congrats on saving many lives lol. Kudos to you when i figure out how to send them lol :oops:
lol thanks. I couldn't let her walk away with all those fish and those instructions. Just not right. My goodness, it says right on Walmart's bags never to dump the water in.
Im glad to see other members speaking up when bad advice is given in front of them.. Dont concern yourself with what the employee, manager or owner thinks, I personally feel that its my responsibility to correct mistakes when done in my presence.. If the LFS or store decides to ask me to leave.. That would be there loss.. It hasnt happened to me yet but I will not be supprised when it does.. good job! (y)
Thanks green maji. The guy immediately turned around and said to me, well, i don't float the bags because you don't know what's on the outside of them. So, now I just dump the fish in the tanks when I get them. I didn't say it, but I wanted to be like, no wonder half of the fish in here are dead. Plus, I'd rather take my chances with what's on the outside of the bag rather than what's in the water. Hopefully the girl took my advice and not his.
I too agree with giving proper advice rather than let an innocent customer be swayed by terrible advice given by a store employee. So, in line with Steven's thoughts, kudos to you (y)

Steven_Askham said:
Congrats on saving many lives lol. Kudos to you when i figure out how to send them lol :oops:

Just go to the members name and click the donate button. :)
dieanna said:
Thanks green maji. The guy immediately turned around and said to me, well, i don't float the bags because you don't know what's on the outside of them. So, now I just dump the fish in the tanks when I get them. I didn't say it, but I wanted to be like, no wonder half of the fish in here are dead. Plus, I'd rather take my chances with what's on the outside of the bag rather than what's in the water. Hopefully the girl took my advice and not his.

well if you rinse the bag off first you don't have to worry about whats on the outside of the bag :roll: duh
Next thing he would be saying is he doesnt know whats on the outside of his heater and the intake tube of his filter so he just tossed them in the trash.. :roll:
greenmaji said:
Next thing he would be saying is he doesnt know whats on the outside of his heater and the intake tube of his filter so he just tossed them in the trash.. :roll:

LOL :lol:
I told a girl at PetsMart today about the thread I had read on Ammo-Lock and the deadly consequences it had.

She told me she had heard that before and she never trys to sell it to anyone. This is only the 2nd person I've met at a PetsMart that cared or knew anything about fish !

Just got back from checking out a big sale at a chain petshop (Petcetera, a Canadian chain)....chap in with his wife and two smallish kids buying a little tabletop 2 gallon plastic hex tank.....I noticed three neon tetras in his fish bag (sale included buy one, get two free), and I mentioned that they would likely not survive more than a couple of days in an uncycled tank, and would most definitely need a heater at the very least....he looked briefly at the heaters (none were less than the $15 the tank cost), and the guy said, "Oh well, I'll just take my chances." and headed to the check-out. The fishroom employee was a young lady that looked completely at a loss for any information, and she had about 10 customers waiting/asking questions/etc....I really had to bite my tongue and not say very loudly what I was thinking at the time.
greenmaji said:
I would have told him is chances were extreamly slim... that and compare it to puppies! :twisted:

He was walking away as he said it...I was tempted to shoot back something along the lines of, "Its not a matter of chances, but don't be surprised when your kids are crying over three pale, bloated, floating neons Monday morning."....but I really have very little patience for stupid people....I feel for his kids, though, I am sure that this will not be the first or last time that his stupidity causes them grief.
I am not a fan of Petcetra at all, the knowledge of the staff there is the worst, IMO. I was sold an aluminum plant and told it was an aquarium plant, when I found out it wasn't I went back to the store and told them what my research had found, offered to give the resources, they refused to believe me. The plant is doing great in dirt, btw. LOL
greenmaji said:
Next thing he would be saying is he doesnt know whats on the outside of his heater and the intake tube of his filter so he just tossed them in the trash.. :roll:

Lol, right.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggggh! stupid pet stores bug me! those poor neons, and those poor kids! it's like when 1001 dalmations came out and everyone rushed out to buy dalmations for their kids not even bothering to find out that dalmations are really not great dogs for children. then all the puppies ended up at the aspca! so sad that people don't research before they get into something! and i should know cuz i totally believed my lfs when i got my first tank, and subsequently killed all my fish. at least i've learned since then!
The Chile man has caused many a scene at Wal-Mart and LFS's when people were being given asinine info. My main LFS (B&B Pets Mobile,AL) knows me well and know I know more than their average employee, sometimes I've ruined a sale and get great pleasure watching them bite their tongue, that and when I start bitching about sick and/or injured fish on display... I bitch kinda loudly :twisted:
But to be fair, they have a few rather good managers and staff who know thier stuff and really do try, its the newbies and the DILLIGAF's who peave me off.
I've also attempted to educate people who were obviously clueless and making bad decisions, surprisingly a few (very few :roll: ) have listened.
I've gone so far as to call SPCA, but the unfortunate fact is that very very few states, counties or cities/towns have reg's/codes/laws pertaining to fish.
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