ima super noobie

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 31, 2004
hello there im Jessie. Im definately an aquarium noob. i work in the aquatics department at petsmart. i got the job b/c we also deal with birds(my personal specialty :lol: ) i had to start up a tank...i have a 10 gallon hex with 2 silver dollars, a rainbow shark,an african butterfly and a tiny peacock eel. ive also adopted my brothers tiger oscar cuz hes in college. i love all my fishes. one day i want to start a SW but for now i luv my fishies. :biglol:
Welcome to the forum!! I too love birds, and when I was 18 I worked for a year in a parrot wholesaler warehouse, caring for the birds just out of quarrantine, en route to pet stores and retailers nationwide.

I am glad to see a PetsMart employee on the board, since many, many members frequent that store, and would love to know how things work.

I am amazed at what you are keeping in your 10-gal, quite a diverse crew!
Er, fish and birds?

Okie dokie. :) Welcome to the Forums.

But do you have a bigger (much bigger) tank that you are going to move your fish to soon? Y'know...oscars 14"+, peacock eels 11"+...


Welcome to Aquarium Advice!! I'll also echo're going to need a MUCH bigger tank soon! You're going to have some BIG fishies!!!
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