Important notice on chat server change!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 16, 2002
After numerous complaints of server failure, there was a decision made to start looking for a new IRC server to host our interactive chat sessions. Well, that server has been found.

The new IRC server has been changed to the FDFNET network. For a random server selection, you can join the server on port 6668. This server has a more simple, yet just as secure, nickserv operations. I encourage all of our users to register your nicknames on this server if you are planning on using the interactive IRC chat often.

To help make this transition easier, here are a few of the nickserv commands that are most common to use:

/msg nickserv register yourpassword This is the command to register your nickname
/msg nickserv identify yourpassword This is the command to identify with nickserv to say it is you
/msg nickserv ghost yournickname yourpassword If for some reason you get disconnected and chan't get your nickname back, use this command to boot the ghost of your nickname
/msg nickserv recover yournickname yourpasswordIf someone is using your nickname, this is the command to get it back from the person who is using it
/msg nickserv add This will add the current host you are using to your nickserv identification list
/msg nickserv help This command will give you a more comprehensive listing of all the commands and sub commands that can be performed within nickserv.

That should be a good start to help you get on your way with setting up a user. Now, as always we have the main #aquariumadvice chat channel, but there is also the 2 overflow channels of #reefchat and #freshwaterchat. There may be people in the overflow channels, but generally not.

If you don't like using the java applet, you can always go and download such programs like mIRC (can be found at and setup your settings that way. It is pretty user friendly and if you are having problems just send a message to SerLunchbox and he should be able to help you out with any issues that you are having and may have some suggestions for easier use of the mIRC program.

If you do already use mIRC, here are some commands that may be able to help you have a smoother time on the server.

to automatically join #aquariumadvice and have yourself register with nickserv, here is what you can do:

Click TOOLS then click OPTIONS. Once inside options expand the CONNECT menu and then click on the OPTIONS part of that. Inside the Connection options there is a button called PERFORM. Click that button and then ensure you are on ALL NETWORKS for network selection. Also, check off ENABLE PERFORM ON CONNECT. Inside the area that you can enter text, all you need to do is on 2 seperate lines enter the commands:
/j #aquariumadvice
/msg nickserv identify yourpassword

Click OK the two times to save all your changes throughout. The next time you connect, you will not only join #aquariumadvice but you will be identified via nickserv.

Here are some points of interest on the server:
#fdfworld This is a channel for any issues you are having with IRC or the server. Ask your question in here as there is almost always someone there
#unseen and #gabriel These are fun trivia channels. They are also monitored by a swear filter, so the same rules may apply

On a final note, we hope to see a lot of our members in chat as it is becoming more and more popular. It is a great way to interact with the same people you help and get help from. As always, the Sunday chat is always ongoing!
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