Initial Livestock Question

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 13, 2011
Atlanta GA
I am at the end of my fishless cycle in my 45 gal reef tank and we are getting ready to start adding livestock. I have been going under the assumption that a pair of clowns would be good to start with because they are hearty and everyone loves a clown right? A neighbor just told me she heard it is best to make the clowns the last addition because they are territorial. Now I am confused. Haven't totally decided on what all will be going in but clowns will be on the list no matter what.
I added my clowns first and had no aggression issues. I think ALOT of people do them first. I wouldnt worry too much about them being first or last, just get the fish that you want. :)
Thanks Carey. That is kind of what I thought. I think I am going to stick with my plan.
I have been told it would be best to wait a month or two before attempting corals. If I want my clown fish to host with Anemone coral will it do so if the coral is added later? How hard are the Anemones to care for and which would be good for your standard Nimo type Clown?
Ahh the age old question about nems. :) They require pristine water, an established tank and LOTS of light. There is no guarantee that your clowns will host it though it's hit or miss. Mine didnt like my nem when I had it but hosted an elegance coral I had, almost to death actually. :-(

Once you feel your water is table enough you can start adding corals. I would start with the easy ones first, like zooas and leathers maybe some mushrooms....
Good luck! Make sure we get pics when you stock!

LOL You can count on it. After all the waiting and work I am going to show it off. LOL

I changed the aqua-scape up a bit the other night and almost posted a pic of that but I figured to anyone but me, they would never know the difference. :oops: The way I have it now gives it some additional elevation, more tunnels and holes but the trade off is you can see a lot more of the base rock. On the bright side, one of my base rocks seems to already be showing some signs of seeding. In a couple spots I see some purples and red. After only 3 weeks that surprised me. Or, it could be wishful thinking on my part. hehehehe
This is your thread, post any pictures you like! LOL I do that myself, I'm sure you guys are sick of all my pictures but it lets me go back over my threads and see how I had the tank etc etc... It's pretty useful, at least to me. :)
This is your thread, post any pictures you like! LOL I do that myself, I'm sure you guys are sick of all my pictures but it lets me go back over my threads and see how I had the tank etc etc... It's pretty useful, at least to me. :)

I keep going to your threads to find the pictures but all your threads have 150 pages. LOL Makes for a long ordeal trying to find the ones with the pictures. heheheheh I really want to see the "My last 125 gal build". Feel free to post a couple here if you are up to it. I would love to see.
here are a few pictures of the now tank, it's come A LONG way from what
it was. lol




Wow. That has really come along. :) When I first bought my tank (set it up as FW years ago) I thought it was huge. Now I sit on the couch and look at how little space it takes up on top of my entertainment system. :) I am thinking a 125 would fit very nice up there. hehehehe Oh well, I can dream can't I.
My 125g FW tank seems so small compared to my 125g reef, it's really odd. lol Or maybe I'm just getting used to them, cause they dont seem as big as they did when I first got them. I was like SIX FEET omg, but it turns out they don't take up that much room after all. If I had to do the reef again, I'd probably have gone with a 180 or 220. hehe... a girl with a 125g can still dream too!
I haven't measured but my 45 is 3' long by 12" wide. Based on that, the top of the entertainment system is about 6' long and a good 30" wide. I could get a lot of tank on that. It is pretty sturdy too so I don't think I would have any trouble with the weight. If I were to gut the bottom, I would have plenty of room for misc. If turn my flat screen TV I can crawl behind it (it is angled in a corner) and I could put my 45 back there as my sump. Lord help me, I already have it all planned out and I don't even have fish in my 45 yet. Hehehehe. Are there any good methadone clinics recommended by this site or do you all just stay addicted? hehehehe
We stay happily addicted! Isn't it terrible? lol I'm looking forward to my next build, just gotta sell my 55g sw to make room and get funds for it. :) But nothing big this time, the 2 125g's are probably enough for now. There is a dead end you get to though, where you literally have NO ROOM for another tank. Heck, I have 2 in my kitchen!

hmmm... maybe a pico in the bathroom? or a betta tank? Havent had one of those before...see, it starts innocently enough hehe
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