Injury To Tomini Tang & Tribal Blenny Fighting

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 3, 2011
Bucks Co., PA
So, the tomini tang was introduced into the tank 10-days ago. Not quite settled, but less people shy everyday...also very protective of his area. Otherwise, apparently healthy. He's the only tang and has taken up residency with the primary areas of the reef.

The Tribal Blenny was introduced 3.5 days ago. He's being kept out of primary areas of the tank by the tang. The tang has been aggressive toward the blenny, seen chasing him away from rock feeding areas as well as chasing him whenever in sight.

The blenny has been successful in taking refuge in several small openings in the pukani rock. At the moment, they seem to have a stand-off or truce as long as the blenny keeps his distance.

That all said, below is blenny before and after pictures resulting from yesterday's battles... you can see the blenny was deep black head to tail (save tribal markings). No sign of ich but he's a fast mover and is mostly in hiding.

My concern is the lack of coloration. Please not that post injury, where blenny is black photos are not representative - meaning where black he is still black.

So, area of concern is where black is no totally pale...not white..simply lacking black shope that makes sense).

Oirg Ben IMG_9625 AA.jpg Ben Rear IMG_9654 AA.jpg

Ben Side 1 IMG_9664 AA.jpg Ben Side 3 IMG_9667 AA.jpg

Photos of the tang to follow.
Here two of the tang injury, which maybe looks marginally better today.

No sign of ich on either fish.

Tang IMG_9646 AA.jpg Tang IMG_9632 AA.jpg
The injury to both fish seem less pronounced but the tang is still bent on keeping the blenny away from all areas of the tank save for one small corner in the rear of the tank.

Any suggestions on behavior modification?

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