Interested In Getting Shrimp - Advice Appreciated

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 8, 2014
Southeast Louisiana
I have recently purchased a Fluval Chi (5 gl.) and have used a black gravel substrate with both Dwarf Grass and a Java Fern planted within. I have purchased a Tetra submersible heater that keeps the tank around 75-76 degrees fahrenheit. I have added 5 Neon Tetra's to the tank and plan on adding a small piece of driftwood with Java Moss attached. I have done just a bit of research and plan on starting with Red Cherry shrimp. I'd like to have my tank ready and healthy for shrimp. I'd like to know how to time my lights, food, etc. Any and all suggestions would be helpful and appreciated.

First I would suggest getting a bigger tank as neons need more room to swim. Also dwarf hair grass is high maintenance and you will have trouble growing it in gravel as well. If you plan on them breeding quickly I would recommend a species only tank for the shrimp. Also lights should be on from 6-10 hrs depending on the light. And shrimp can be fed once every two days at the least probably even longer but some people do everyday depending on how many you have.

Hope this helps.

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