Interested in SW but need lots of advice

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 19, 2004
Ontario, Canada
I am interested in starting up a very small SW tank. At the Mom & Pop fish store I go to they have a small set up using an Eclipse 6 gallon tank. They have one clown fish (Nemo type) one shrimp, one crab and one snail. I would love to have something like this. They said it is actually very easy to do and the tank has been up and running for about a year now. They said they do not have any live rocks in the tank and have only done one water change.

I didn't have time to speak with them further on how I would go about duplicating this set up so I thought I would come here and see if any of you could help me out. I would probably want to use a 10 or 15 gallon glass tank since I have a couple sitting around waiting for something to live in them. I also have a spare 29 gallon but I think if I were to go that large things could get very expensive. I want something relatively inexpensive and I just loved the looks of the small tank at the fish store.
Is this your first SW tank? If so, I would encourage you not to start with a 6 gal. These are much harder to regulate then larger tanks. I would not reccommend anything less then your 29 gal for your first SW tank.
Yes this would be my first SW tank but I honestly would prefer to use a 15 gallon tank so hopefully someone can give me some good advice on using a 15 gallon tank.
On a smaller tank I would say frequent water changes. I think they may have been pulling your chain when they said 1 water change in a year. I would agree bigger=easier to maintain water parameters. My first tank was going to be a 55 but I ended up with a 225 and am very pleased. When I have my 35 gal QT set up the water needs to be watched closely as the nitrites and ammonia will vary allot.
55gal is the most commonly recommended 'first type' salt tank size.
Of course that tends to make the setup cost for a FOWLR or Reef over $1,000, not counting the fish or inverts.

I'd go with at least a 30g. I've only ever seen 15g tall tanks, and tall is NOT what you're after with a salt tank. you want as much swimming space and surface area as you can afford. YOu might look at 30 longs...or a 40g breeder tank is a really nice size too. a little shallower than 'normal' so your lights will have more intensity in the tank...useful if you want to add corals someday.

most importantly, pickup some good salt books before you buy anything. The Conscientous Marine Aquarist by Robert Fenner is top notch. The New Marine Aquarium by Michael Palettta is another good one, not as thick, or as in depth...but a little easier for the beginner to understand. sells them as a set for a discount, which is what I ended up ordering.
I have to agree with Malkore

I'm just starting my First SW (50 Gal)tank and I'm already running over $1000.00
Heres a quote from a great site for newbies--

Generally, the larger the tank, the more stable it will be. Look at it this way, which would be effected more? Pouring a cap full of bleach into a 55-gallon aquarium or into the ocean? This is obviously on a much larger scale, but the principle is still the same.

the bigger the better
I don't want to steer folks away from AA, but there is a nano-reef board also that I hit up for questions ( when they are specific to my small tank.

I have a 10 gallon nano, but I keep a sharp eye on stuff. It's my first salt tank, but I can say that after only a month I am kvetching for a bigger tank. :)

okay ive only read a couple posts but he/she asked what they would need if they DID do a 15 gallon

People will say that a smaller tank is harder to do because all the fluctuations in stuff but if you plan everything right buy the correct equipment and do the right research and all that stuff it will be sort of easy

start a 15 if you want but ill tell you right now that within a month of having it you will want a bigger tank.because i just set my first sw tank up and i already want a bigger tank.

for right now just go for a fo tank because it is a lot easier to maintain
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